How do I create rules for an option set versus a single product?

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You can create and apply rules directly to Options Sets without editing product(s). This is a great way to apply the same Option Sets to multiple products. This article will cover apply rules directly to Option Sets, as well as well as applying an existing Option Set to a product.

Applying Rules Directly to the Option Set

1.) Click on Products and then Product Options.


2.) From here you can see all Option Sets that have already been created. You can see at a quick glance how many rules each set contains with the ability to add more by clicking on Manage Rules.


3.) Here you will see the rules that have been created for the Option Set, or you can create new rules by clicking on the Create a Rule... button.


4.) A smaller window will display where you can choose the options to which to apply rules.

5.) For this example, we'll first choose the 14k White Gold.


6.) Then, click the checkbox next to Adjust its Price, and change the 0.00 to be 40.00


7.) Click Save and Close.


8.) Repeat steps 3-7 for however many rules you wish to create.

9.) Once you've finished creating rules, click Save & Exit.

Applying an Option Set to a Product

Once you have edited your Option Sets you can then assign them to multiple products, or individual products. The below steps will walk you through this process.

1.) Click on Products and then View Products.

2.) Then select the Edit link to the right of the product that you wish to edit.

3.) Once you have edited the product, you want to choose the Options tab.
4.) Here you can choose the Option Set that you wish to associate with this product from the drop down(as shown below).
5.) After you have chosen the Option Set make sure to click the Save & Keep Editing buton.
6.) Once you have associated the Option Set with the product you then have the ability to view the rules that were previously applied to the Option Set, in addition to creating your own rules on the product level. 7.) Click on Rules on the left of the Option Set tab section.
8.) If there are any existing rules on the option set, you can see them by clicking on the Show these rules link.
9.) The product in question can then have rules applied to it via the Option Set, and/or directly within the product.


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